Solensia (Frunetvetmab Injection) Effective Relief from the pain of Osteoarthritic for your kitty
Librela (Bedinvetmab Injection) Effective Relief from the pain of Osteoarthritic for your aging pup
CT Scans available
at Arlington Veterinary Center
August Dental Promotion
It’s the moment we have all been waiting for!!! Our August back to school dental promo is back!
30, 2017Kory has been working hard to take excellent care of our patients who request grooming services. She joined us here at AVC part time at the end of July and her services were in such high demand that she went to five days a week in the middle of August.
01, 2017If you’ve been coming to AVC for very long, you’ve probably heard one of our veterinarians discuss the importance of a healthy mouth for all dogs and cats. We regularly recommend periodic professional prophylaxis, with anesthesia, dental radiography, and extractions if needed.
20, 2017Alan Brown, owner of K-9 Direction, is now offering classes for both puppy and advanced dog training right here at AVC! The classes are held on Sunday evenings in our parking lot.
05, 2017Our hearts have been heavy watching the events of Hurricane Harvey unfold over the last week.
31, 2017We are pleased to announce the expansion of our offered services. Now we will have full-service grooming available for dogs and cats. To make an appointment with Kory, call our number at (817) 861-1763 during her regular hours and ask for her. We look forward to seeing you soon!
28, 2017Doggie kisses are the best medicine in the world. Coming home after a long day at school or work seems that much better when you are greeted with a friendly muzzle and sloppy kiss. As much as we love this canine show of affection, it can be tarnished by the insidious monster of the dental world: bad breath.
21, 2017One of the more common procedures performed in the veterinary world is the spay (also called the ovariohysterectomy). It is often assumed to be a simple procedure, partially because it is done so frequently, but also because it is done for generally discounted pricing.
07, 2017Pet owners are using the internet more and more to ask questions regarding pet care, nutrition, and wellness. However, the internet can be hard to navigate on these topics, as there are so many warring opinions out there. Who do […]
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