Brain Games for Dogs


We’ve reached the midway point of the summer. And with the Texas heat in full effect, you may have found it more difficult to get outside with that rambunctious canine of yours. While they may want their usual walk or outside playtime, the weather isn’t doing us any favors and the daily windows to safely be outdoors are rather limited these days. So, how about some ideas for constructive indoor playtime? Look no further!

Stimulate That Brain! 

Many dogs were bred and trained for specific purposes and regardless of whether your pup was raised with specific training, these specific traits to retrieve, track, or guard are still very instinctual. If these needs aren’t fulfilled through similar activities like play, they get bored! This makes it very important to find ways to stimulate your dog’s brain to train, have fun, and avoid destructive and bad behavior.  


Indoor Brain Games 

So, if you’ve got an active pooch and are relegated to indoor play (or even if you’d just prefer the air conditioning!), what kind of options are there? Here are some relatively easy and inexpensive solutions to try for those sweltering days. 

A Treat-Filled Kong 

Requiring little to no effort on your part, a Kong toy filled with a favorite treat can entertain your pup for quite some time, while also stimulating their brain to figure out how to get the last little morsel of tastiness from inside.  

The Cup Hustle 

You’ve wowed your friends with your streetwise cup shuffling abilities. Now, try them on your furry, four-legged friend! Work with two or more plastic cups with a treat underneath. This is perfect for the two of you to interact with each other and also provides a quick solution for playtime. 


An old classic – and made for everyone! This one might take more than just you and your doggie. You’ll need someone to keep your dog stationary (especially if they haven’t mastered the ‘stay’ command) while you go to hide in that perfect spot in the house.  

Towel Game 

Not completely unlike a Kong toy, this activity is an easy setup, but may take your pup a little while to figure out. Lay out a towel and place treats or dry dog food in different locations around the material. Roll the towel up so the treats are spread out in different layers. Your doggo will have to figure out how to unroll the towel to get his prize. Make it harder by using multiple towels to create even more layers to the puzzle.  

Put the Toys Away 

After all the fun, don’t let your pup skirt the responsibility of picking after himself! Use clean-up time as a training tool and a fun game, too. Over time, they’ll not only learn fetch commands, but also learn new words when you ask them to bring specific toys to put away. 


Don’t forget that while these games are fun for your doggo, there are also very important lessons being learned at the same time. While the treats in many of these games are a great reward, the best reward is your praise and affirmation afterward! 

Be sure to check out our other blogs for more tips, tricks, and education when it comes to you and your pet!

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