Barkology 101: Benefits of Dog Ownership

Canines are known for their ability to show unconditional love to us. “Man’s best friend” is just that – they show their affection and loyalty without wavering.  

Is there anything greater to pet companionship than the love a pup can show us? Maybe not, but there are more benefits to dog ownership than you might think. Let’s take a look at the mental and physical health and wellness benefits and their impact on YOU!

Pet Stress Away

Dogs have a way of reducing things to their lowest common denominator. Having trouble keeping life and its inevitable stressors in order? 
One study has shown major reductions in cortisol, the primary stress hormone, just by petting a dog for 10 minutes!

Heart Health – One Walk at a Time

Having a dog around can actually make you more motivated to get moving. Did you know, dog owners are 
four times more likely to meet daily physical activity recommendations over non-dog owners? 

Sometimes all you need is an accountability partner for that extra push out the door, and your paw-dorable pooch is up to the task! Physical activity – even something as simple as taking your pup out for an evening walk – can lead to decreased risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiovascular problems.


Happiness & Self-Worth

It’s been said anecdotally for a long time, but now it’s 
scientifically proven that owning a dog can reduce the feeling of loneliness and depression. Caring for a dog can give us purpose and steers focus away from depression.

Dogs can also increase our dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin levels. The release of these chemicals from our brains affects our happiness and boosts our mood.


The Social Butterfly’s Plus One


Not only does having a pup around help with overall companionship needs, they make the thought of social interaction more palatable, whether that’s with neighbors or meeting new canine owners on a walk or at a dog park.

That loveable pooch might also help you get your next date if that’s what you’re after. Some studies have shown that the presence of a dog lead to more ‘helping and courtship behaviors’ in others.


Keep in mind, dogs aren’t meant to be a fix-all for life’s problems. They come with responsibilities too. Taking care of a canine can be hard at times. But, if the benefits above are worth taking a longer look, be sure to contact us at AVC! We’ll be happy to talk you through the next steps in pet companionship. 

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