Fall Pet Prep: Tips for Cooler Weather

While North Texas weather may not yet cooperate with the official change of seasons from summer to fall, cooler weather is coming! Your pets will notice the difference in the temperature too. Keep these tips in mind as you prepare for a reprieve from the sweltering Texas heat of summer. 

Keeping Warm

 – Be sure to always wash and change bedding at least once a week. Snuggly beds and blankets will make those chilly evenings and brisk mornings more comfortable for your furry friends.

Shedding – Some dogs and cats are getting ready to shed their summer coats in preparation for their fluffier, fuller winter coats. So, be sure to brush often during this transition to combat shedding.

Swag – A cute new wardrobe for your puppy or kitty is a fun way to show their personality and will also keep those furry family members of yours of the short-hair variety extra warm! Sweaters and jackets for your fluff ball can help on chillier days, but remember to not leave them on all the time. They need time to let their skin breathe and regulate their own body temperature. Also be sure to wash and rotate any wardrobe choices regularly.  

Fall Foodies 

As the weather gets cooler, pups and kitty cats will use more energy to keep warm. Gradually, an increase in their meal portion may be necessary. With this in mind,
ask AVC if you have questions or concerns about your pet’s diet. 


Fleas and Ticks Jump Everywhere

As warm as North Texas stays into the fall, year-round protection for fleas and ticks is recommended. Piles of leaves and tall grass are prime real estate for these pesky pests. Make sure your pet stays itch free!

Exercise? Always!

Fall weather in North Texas shouldn’t deter you from getting out for an early morning or late evening walk with your furball. Exercise is especially important to keep up heading into colder temperatures, as decreased activity will lead to weight gain. On particularly crisp days, try indoor exercise with an interactive toy or chew toy.

Routine Rules

Everyone is back to school. Workplaces are finding a new normal. As a result, your playful pet is noticing the decrease in their human interaction. Recognize their separation anxiety and make sure to establish a new routine with them. 

Think ahead to fall holidays and special dates, and make sure your pets are covered, too. AVC is here to help with all boarding needs to help your paw-some pets get the attention they deserve!

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