Holiday Hazards for Your Pet

The holiday countdown is on! With only a few days left to put the finishing touches on Christmas preparations and decorations, it’s never too late to prepare for holiday safety – especially when it comes to our four-legged friends.  

(**And with the recent cold spell, let’s not forget winter safety, too! Keep those pets indoors where it’s safe and warm. In North Texas, pets exposed to the elements below 45 degrees may be too cold for them**)

During holiday celebrations there are so many things to be mindful of around your winter wonderland home. There are so many shiny, sparkly distractions and new additions to explore for your doggies and kitties. Let’s dive into some things to steer clear of. Which of these have you already thought of?   

Your Tree 

Anchor That Tree! Unless you’re looking for new tree-dwellers, secure your Christmas tree to make sure it stays upright all season.

Ornaments. Decorate the lower third of your tree at your own risk. Sentimental or glass ornaments? Maybe save them for decorating at a higher altitude to keep them out of direct view of curious paws.

Fence It In. This might not work for everyone. Space might be a limitation, or the height of your pet may be an issue, but a barrier could be the difference between holiday harmony and chaos.

Tree Stand. If you have a live tree, the water in your tree stand should be blocked off. Tree water can stagnate and contain bacteria for unassuming thirsty pets.

Lights and Electrical Additions 

Candles. The ambience and smell are nice, but lit candles pose the risk of being knocked over. opt for a flameless variety! 

Electronic Décor. Animatronic Santas are fun additions but can put your pets on edge and raise their stress levels. 

Plugs and Extensions. Curious kitties and puppies love to chew on lights and extension cords. Try and keep them out of reach or hidden away from claws and teeth. 


Chocolate. It’s everywhere during this season. Keep an eye out and make sure it keeps out of reach of eager appetites. 

Table Scraps. Don’t forget our Thanksgiving thoughts – these still apply to Christmas! 

Clean-Up. After cooking or baking, be sure to clean up and wash those trays and pans as soon as you can. Leaving them out is an invitation for unwanted dish washers! 


Know Your Pet. If you know you have a puppy who loves to chew. Don’t give him a toy that can be immediately torn into a million pieces. 

Do Your Research. Whether it’s an edible gift, chew toy, or plaything, do your research and ensure these products can’t cause illness or physical damage. 

Not a Gift. We know you’re a pet lover. But don’t assume your family or loved one loves pets or can commit to one as easily as you can! 


Merry Christmas from AVC! 

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