AVC Staff Spotlight – Cindy

Welcome to another AVC Staff Spotlight! Now that the holidays are over, we’re starting 2021 off right by showing some appreciation for our amazing staff members. This week, let’s learn a little bit more about our Kennel Manager, Cindy!

How long have you worked at AVC?

I’ve been with AVC for around four years!

Where did you go to school/train for your position?

I have trained as a kennel tech since 2015.

What is your favorite part about working at AVC?

Playtime with all of the doggos!

What is your favorite type of animal  to work with?

Dogs and Reptiles are my favorite.

Do you have pets of your own?

Peach the pug!

What are some of your favorite hobbies/things you do outside of work?

I enjoy hanging out with friends, shopping, and watching Netflix!

Tell us a fun fact!

Spanish is my first language.

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