Summer-izing Your Pet Family

There’s no way around it, summer weather is here!

As Texans, we’d like to think spring might hold out until at least after Memorial Day, but it’s not looking likely. Whether it’s truly time to test out a fried egg on the sidewalk, bake cookies on the car dash, or rope off the metal playground equipment for the offseason, one thing is for certain – it’s HOT! And, even as the state works to reassure everyone the electrical power grid will keep up with the demand, it’s hard not to think the malaise of a never-ending summer is setting in.  

Enter those precious pets of yours. They no doubt have a good understanding of warmer weather, but since they don’t read the news, they don’t quite understand the concepts of heatstroke, sunburn, and hydration. So, what can you do to prepare them as a positive pet parent? Check out these things to keep in mind as you summerize your pet family. 


The easiest and most important tip. Making sure your pets have plenty of fresh, cool water is the easiest way to avoid heat-related injuries. Your puppies and kitties will be drinking more of it on a hot day, so you’ll need to remember to refill their water bowls more often than usual. Put some ice cubes in the bowl to keep it cool longer. 
Taking a road trip or just leaving home on an errand? Pack a bottle for them too!


Indoors in the air conditioning is ideal, right? Some of the best the internet has to offer these days are pictures and videos of doggos and kitties sprawled out on their backs while ceiling fans and blowers make them feel like the aristocracy.  

If keeping your pets indoors isn’t always a possibility, or if air conditioning isn’t available, keep windows open or use a fan to keep the air moving and your body cool. 

Car Rides

We’re not advocating for leaving your dog at home on a hot day if you’re used to having Rex or Fido with you on an errand out. But, if your pooch is used to riding in the car with you, make sure you stay attached at the hip! Leaving your pet in the car for a quick trip into the convenience store or the post office is NOT okay.

Limit Activity

In Texas, some days it’s just best to keep everyone indoors and stay cool. When the temperature and humidity combine on those especially nasty Texas scorchers, don’t let those particularly active pets overdo it. It will be easy for them to think it’s any typical day’s routine of play and exercise, and heatstroke can occur in less than an hour.  


If all of this so far sounds familiar, it’s because it should! Each of these recommendations are things we all should be doing whether human or canine or feline. A vital takeaway should be that if you feel your surroundings are too hot, they’re likely too hot for your pet as well!  

If you have any questions or think you may have a pet experiencing a heat-related issue, call AVC immediately and our team will be ready to help you! 


Be sure to check out our other blogs for more tips, tricks, and education when it comes to you and your pet!

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