5 Holiday Health Tips For Your Pet!

There’s truly no place like home for the holidays. While you’re gift shopping, making travel plans, and gearing up to celebrate with friends and family, be sure to keep your furry best friend’s health and safety in mind. Following these few tips can make all the difference in keeping your pet safe, happy, and full of holiday cheer.

1. Securely Anchor Your Christmas Tree.

Be sure to anchor your tree this year to avoid any risk of it tipping and causing a safety hazard for your pets. Additionally, this will keep tree water, which can contain dangerous bacteria for your pet, from spilling.


2. Maybe Skip the Tinsel This Year.

Though your kitty-cat may love how tinsel sparkles in the light, this holiday decoration could lead to some serious health dangers if swallowed. Be cautious when using tinsel or just avoid it all together! Your little furball will thank you.


3. Doggy Downtime Necessary.

The holidays are full of excitement, but sometimes they can get a little overwhelming for your pup. Make sure to give your pets a room to themselves when having company over so they can destress and catch some much needed zzz’s.


4. Keep it Merry and Bright (Except For When You’re Away).

Though holiday lights are one of the most fun and spirited ways to celebrate the season, they also can be dangerous to your pets. Make sure to keep plugs and cords out of paws reach and unplug them when you leave your house!


5. House Rules.

When having guests over this holiday season, make sure to inform them that you have pets and lay down some ground rules for encouraging pet safety. And of course, encourage belly scratches if your pet is comfortable around the company.

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